At what frequency do Reelight's LED lights flash? And what does the law say in this connection? According to Danish law, bicycles must have lights that are on from sunset to sunrise. In addition, it is recommended to use lights in low-visibility weather, e.g. fog or dense snow. Front and rear lights must be clearly visible, but not blinding, at a minimum distance of 300 m. The bicycle light must be visible at an angle from the side. The light of the front light must be white, bluish or yellowish. White or bluish front lights must flash at a min. rate of 120 flashes/minute. Yellow front lights must not flash. Rear lights must be red and emit a min. of 120 flashes/minute. The number of accidents is not higher when it is dark. However, the risk of being involved in a road accident is greater at night than during daylight hours. This is why bicycle lights are so important.
We recommend that you check the law in your Country to make sure you are following the right rules.